Focus on the important stuff


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Need a Support?

Avoid business down time!

It Support. Plans as low as:


Choose your plan from

$ 49 per computer/month
  • Unlimited calls for remote support
  • Monthly preventive maintenance
  • Remote Support
  • Network monitoring
  • Backup monitoring
  • * Onsite support visits available in the Houston area


Choose your plan from

$ 79 per server/month
  • Unlimited calls for remote support
  • Monthly preventive maintenance
  • Remote Support
  • Network monitoring
  • Backup monitoring
  • * Onsite support visits available in the Houston area

¿What is included?

Monthly preventive maintenance

Monitoring of the computer’s health regarding OS (Operating System) and Antivirus updates, virus/adware clean up and hard drives & main memory usage.

Remote Support

Unlimited phone/email requests to troubleshoot and correct any issue related to Operating System (Windows, MAC, Linux), Office Software, Antivirus, Network connectivity, devices & peripherals (printers, scanners, etc.) connectivity.

Network monitoring

Troubleshoot of issues presented on network adapters, routers and switches.

Backup monitoring

Monthly review of all the backups procedures and data consistency.

Special reduced price for onsite support

Visit hours ($90 per hour) when required. Based on experience we usually have solved 95% of the IT issues remotely.


Contact us Now


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